Manso y Humilde, by Dane C. Ortlund

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  • Author: Dane C. Ortlund

SKU: 3934379

Christian believers have an understanding of what Christ has done, but who is He really? What is the deepest yearning of His heart for His people, weary and faltering on their path toward heaven? Jesus said that he was gentle and lowly in heart. Gentle and Lowly, now available in a full Spanish translation, reflects on those words, exploring a neglected central truth about who He is for sinners and sufferers today. Share this book with Spanish and bilingual readers who could benefit from the message;
Los cristianos conocen lo que Cristo Jesús ha hecho, pero, ¿quién es Él? ¿Cuál es Su corazón para Su pueblo, el cual va fatigado y vacilante en su jornada hacia el cielo? Jesús dijo que Él es «manso y humilde de corazón». Este libro refleja esas palabras, y revela una verdad central, aunque ignorada, sobre quién es Él para los pecadores y las personas que sufren hoy en día.


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