Lessons In Responsibility for Boys Book 1

  • Vendor: Pearables

SKU: 1448976

Responsibility is a life-long trait that's appreciated by many others and taught in Lessons In Responsibility for Boys Book 1! Intended to be used once a week, young gentlemen are taught foremost to love the Lord their God with all their hearts, souls, mind and strength, and to be responsible to God before all.

Dealing with topics such as family, cleanliness, video games, money, grooming, chores, friends, making a bed, and other important childhood topics, each week features an illustration, Bible verse, thematic lesson in large-print font, and a task to be completed and reviewed with parental oversight.

Lessons are broken down so as to not be overwhelming, and provide a chance for young boys to think about each element of godly responsibility. 144 pages, softcover. Ages 6-8, Level 1.

This once-a-week curriculum gently leads young boys in the area of responsibility. It also guides them into instilling Scripture in their lives. Duties such as making beds, cleaning up after themselves, hygiene, family relationships, and much more are covered in segments.

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